The Pastors of Venture Church are recommending Jason Gilbert be elected as a Pastor of Venture Church and be hired as a Fulltime Global Associate Pastor of Students and Children. Today, I sent a separate email explaining this position as well as our overall newly revised pastoral leadership structure with job summaries. It includes what Chris Mintz’s new role will be going forward. I strongly encourage you to read that email. It will help you understand what each pastor in Venture is doing! This job is already funded in our 2022-23 Spending Plan.
The purpose of this email is to clarify the remaining steps in the process of hiring Jason and introduce you to him and his family!
Jason is from Gaston County. Feeling called to Venture, he recently announced that he will be resigning as the full-time Student Pastor at Real Life Church in Lucia (formerly named Lucia Baptist Church). After growing up and coming to Christ in Real Life Church, he first went on staff as their Children’s Pastor.
Jason’s love for Christ is genuine and hard to mistake. He is a highly gifted and visionary leader with a huge passion for students, children, and the local church! Like Chris and Bee Mintz, Jason and his wife Madison have a team approach to student ministry. Madison loves working with students and actively leads a life group of teenage girls. Together, God has used Jason and Madison to build an incredible student ministry. For instance, as I write this, they have over 100 students with them at youth camp!
Jason and his wife Madison got married in July 2014. They have one child – Bryer (born July 2019). To learn more about Jason and his family, read his testimony and resume or click on their social media accounts below.
Click here for Jason’s Instagram
Click here for Madison’s Instagram
Click here for Madison’s Facebook
(1). Tuesday, July 5 @ 6 PM at The Hub – Jason is meeting with the VSM Leadership Team and the Children’s Ministry Leadership Team.
(2). Wednesday, July 6 @ 6:30 PM at The Hub – Open House for High School and Middle School Students as well as the Parents of Students AND Children. At 6:30, there will be a meet and greet in the Kidzone with dinner (no cost). At 7:00, we will move into the auditorium. Our band will lead us in some worship, Jason will share his testimony and heart for ministry, and we will end with a Q & A.
(3). Sunday, July 10 – Jason and Madison will be at both campuses. They will be presented and voted on in all three worship gatherings.
(4). Monday, August 1 – Proposed first day of employment with Venture.
If you have questions about this hire, please email me, Chris Mintz, or Jonathan Pugh.
Go Man Go!
Austin Rammell Lead Pastor, Venture
PS – The growth of financial donations to Venture is why we are finally getting to expand our staff to meet the needs of this ministry! Your financial support is critical for us to continue in this direction. Click here to donate!