The devastation in Florida is going to be MASSIVE! I’ll never forget when we arrived to help people a few days after Katrina. It’s hard to describe with words.
If you want to support a nonprofit that I can personally testify as totally trustworthy, highly efficient, and incredibly effective, then click the link below to support the NC Baptist Disaster relief program.
Nonprofits are going to start reaching out for financial support. Sadly, there will be TONS of totally bogus organizations attempting to steal your money. Just as discouraging, there will also be totally ineffective nonprofits trying to get your money. Unfortunately, there are a lot of “nonprofits” who major in getting donations and at best minor in doing whatever it is they claim they are doing.
HOWEVER!!! The Southern Baptist Convention is NOT one of those. They truly have one of the most respected and financially efficient disaster relief operations in the world. Southern Baptist mobilizes massive amounts of volunteers, so that donated dollars are maximized to their fullest. I have served as one of those volunteers at various times. It is an incredibly rewarding thing to do.
Jeff & Sandra Cloninger are partners with Venture and you can contact them directly to get immediately involved or to get signed up for training. There are opportunities right now that don’t require training to be involved. Email contact:
The SBC organizes its disaster responses through State Conventions. If you want to support the Baptists on Mission Disaster Relief Ministry, click the link below. I can personally testify that it will be money well used.
Click here to donate.
If you want to learn more about volunteering with NC Baptist Disaster Relief, click below.
Samaritan’s Purse is another globally respected organization.
To financially support them click below.
Let’s Go Man Go!!