Overcoming Demons
Read Psalm 95 and Luke 11:14-23
What does it mean to acknowledge the greatness of God? How exactly are we to relate to Jesus
as a king? The Psalms have many such songs where praise is going up to God as the Almighty
powerful and strong King.
Psalm 95 is one such example. It begins with a call to enter the presence of Yahweh singing,
making joyful noises, and offering thanks. The reason for this worship is because of His
greatness. The highest mountain and the deepest seas were fashioned with his strong hands.
But God is not simply an aloof power. He took special care in fashioning us. “We are the people
of his pasture.” God himself handfeeds us the way that a shepherd would tenderly care for his
Our experience with this powerful and personal God should inform how we allow him to deal
with the demons that constantly seek to impose on people by means of their strength. There is
much evil in the world that is simply too great for us to conquer. Often, that evil is so close that
we can see its power to hold possession over people’s lives.
But what we are powerless to overthrow, our King is qualified to conquer. He binds demons
and casts them out. And when he occupies a heart, there is no place for the strong man to
What are the demons that are grieving you because of the hold they seem to have on the world
around you?
What are the demons that you need the strength of God to conquer on your behalf?
How are you allowing thanksgiving and worship to posture you for Jesus to conquer those
Jonathan pugh
demons on your behalf?