Read Psalm 145:4-13 and John 5:17-29
God acts and God speaks. Those two truths are the most important things that any of us can
know about the way that the universe works. These truths are also far from certain in the
hopeless view of life so most of the world around us has bought into.
These truths are also the bedrock for having a relationship with God. Psalm 145 speaks of the
splendor, might, and awesomeness of God. But the Psalm speaks of this ruling God as someone
who is not only great, but good.
People want to tell their young kids about God. (Psalm 145:4)
The Psalmist wants to think about God’s works. (Psalm 145:5)
This is where we see God acting and God speaking. He speaks through his actions. His actions
tell us about his character. He is abounding in love, mercy for all, righteousness. He is the sort
of God who commands our awe not merely through his sheer power, but because he is the type
of God who we would WANT to be in charge.
But the greatest works of God were done through His Son. Anything the Son does and says, he
does and says with the authority of the Father. The Son has so much authority that he even
raises the dead to Life.
Do you view Jesus with the same awe that you view the Creator?
Are you so in love with the works of God that you want to see them, even when you are
struggling in faith?
Focus on the fact that Jesus very being is the statement that God loves you AND has the
authority to rescue you.