Read Exodus 12:1-14 and John 13:1-17, 31-35
Think about the most humble person you know. Got that person in mind? Now, how much power, authority, or influence does that person have? Unfortunately, the person you have in mind probably isn’t the CEO of a Fortune 500 company or on trajectory to become our next President. In our world today, power, authority, and influence typically come at the expense of humility. Therefore, those who’ve gained these have typically done so while leaving a trail of dead relationships in their wake.
In Jesus, we have an astoundingly different example. Jesus is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. He has ultimate power, ultimate authority, and ultimate influence. There is no one higher than He. He is God in the flesh. Yet, He stooped down to our level and literally washed the dirt-covered, sin-stained feet of His disciples. Jesus modeled before us what it looks like to serve others. In fact, this was His whole aim in life. He put the needs and success of others so far above His own that He died the death that they deserved.
Jesus came to Earth born as a babe in a manger in order to serve us. And He has told us that if we claim to follow Him as our Lord and Savior, then we will love others with that same kind of self-sacrificing love. A servant is not greater than his master. So if you claim Jesus as your Master, then you are even more worthy to wash the feet of those around you. Christ has given us His example to follow, will you follow Him and serve those around you with humility?