The pastors at Venture have unanimously decided to hire Jennifer Primm as our new K-5 Children’s Director.
She has already been serving in our kid’s ministry and we look forward to seeing her flourish in this new role.
Join us in welcoming her onto the team and pray for her as she leads our team in this vital ministry.
Read Jennifer’s testimony below.

Greetings, Church! My name is Jennifer Primm. I have been attending Venture for over 10 years. My husband of 25 years is Craig. Craig is a machinist at CA Foy Machines in Kings Mountain, NC. Together we have 2 children. Austin teaches and coaches at North Gaston High School. Avery works in the AVL department at Venture. My family is my greatest blessing after my salvation.
I accepted Christ as my Savior at the age of 7 at my bed praying with my mother. My parents served as officers/pastors in The Salvation Army for over 40 years. I was raised in a loving, Christian home and taught God’s Word. I attended the University of Tennessee, Knoxville where I received a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science/Public Administration in 1992. In 1995, I received a Master of Arts in Christian Education/Urban Ministries for Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, TX. I am currently a 7th and 8th-grade science teacher at W.C. Friday Middle School in Dallas, NC.
As I grew into adulthood, I developed patterns that did not reflect “saved by grace through faith”. To the observer, there was not much more I could have been doing to appear redeemed; however, I was not “being transformed through the renewing of my mind”. This paradoxical lifestyle led to disaster. Depression, addiction, loss of employment, etc. The saddest part of it all is that I was redeemed and could have been experiencing abundant life through the power of the Holy Spirit living in me.
In August of 2014, I hit rock bottom. I entered an outpatient rehabilitation program. I began to walk in grace through that program, Godly counsel, dedicated friends and family, and repentance. I refused to believe the lie any longer, that I could increase or decrease God’s love for me.
God has been so faithful. He has given me the freedom to walk in step with His Spirit. He has given me the freedom to love without fear. He has given me the freedom to serve without a personal agenda. My mind is being renewed through the study of His Word. I am overwhelmed with gratitude that He is giving me an opportunity to serve from a place of grace.