New Pastor Voted in at Venture

This past weekend, Venture Partners voted to install Jason Rhodenhizer as our Lincolnton Campus Pastor. We are thrilled that God has led this beautiful family to our church and look forward to laboring with them for the cause of Christ.

Jason Rhodenhizer is a native of Northern Virginia, having grown up in Alexandria. He and his wife, Mandie, met at church when they were kids and have been married since May 2000.  They have 3 grown daughters and 2 teenage sons.  He has a degree in Cross-Cultural Ministry from Liberty University, Lynchburg, Va.  

Jason started and led CrossPointe Church, in Loudoun County, for 10 years before merging it with Arcola Bible Church, another local church in Loudoun County. CrossPointe and Arcola became CityView Church.  For the last 3 years, he has served as the Executive Pastor at CityView.  Prior to CrossPointe/CityView, he served on staff at churches in Idaho, Alaska, and Virginia.  He also serves on the board of Hope Community Center in Bethlehem.

Jasons passion is to connect believing people to unbelieving people and unbelieving people to the Gospel.  Though serving in differing roles with each church, he always defaulted back to community service and local missions to connect with broken-hearted people in need of the Rescuing Savior.  He has continually had a desire to serve and assist differing cultures within the community so all can hear the Gospel.