Because of your faithful giving, we have partnered with Edovo, a learning platform used in prisons, to share the good news of Jesus Christ. Below is a letter from a grateful prisoner whose soul has been set free. Rejoice with us as we hear what God is doing through the body here at Venture Church!

To Mr. Austin Rammell and Venture Church
Hi, my name is Tristyn and I wanted to write you guys and say thank you! I’m currently in prison in Shelby Montana. For awhile, I lost my faith, and struggled to find myself. I felt lost and hopeless and didn’t know what to do with my life.
Recently, I was placed on segregation for safety concerns. Since being back here, I discovered two certain video series on my Edovo app on my tablet. Those two sermon series were called Grace Didn’t Die and Dominion. Sound familiar? But I started with Grace Didn’t Die and was immediately captivated by the energy and passion of your service. And because of that it made me actually stop and listen.
So everyday I would start my day with one video. After awhile I started to truly feel convicted about the life I was living and started seeking a better life. I started to pray and ask for help and guidance. And I proudly say after several weeks of prayer and continuing watching your videos, I finally accepted what I was doing wasn’t my purpose and accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.
And I wanted to just say thank you for leading me back to God and teaching me His gospel. And thank you for doing it a way a sinner like me can understand. So I hope it’s okay that I wrote this and hope it’s okay I share your videos. I also don’t know if it’s possible but it would be amazing if you guys got more videos on Edovo. Right now there’s only the two series. But anyway thank you again
(lightly edited for clarity)