Read Matthew 20:17-23 Something that all of us with zero combat experience should realize is that we really have no clue what combat veterans have really been through (for which I am deeply grateful). Historical records prove this, as some have worried that “their generation’s great war” would end before they “got a chance to get in it”. The combat …
Lenten Devotional #7 • Josh Sugg
Read Psalm 50 and Matthew 23:1-12 Talk is cheap.” “Actions speak louder than words.” “Do as I say, not as I do.” “Don’t talk about it, be about it.” You’ve no doubt heard or said some version of these phrases and we all understand their meaning. Though they may not be explicitly Scripture-based, these types of phrases are certainly in …
Lenten Devotional #6 • Jennifer Primm
Read Daniel 9: 4-10 and Luke 6: 36-38 Webster’s Dictionary defines humility as “a modest or low view of one’s own importance”. C.S. Lewis once said “Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less”. As followers of Christ, both of these definitions have relevance. Humility is a tricky characteristic. Saying, “I am a humble person” seems …
Distorting the Gospel
Galatians 1:6-9 As stated in last week’s discussion guide, turning aside from the true Gospel- the oneproclaimed by Jesus and the apostles- to a different gospel was a concern for the church from avery early time. Keeping the purity of the Gospel is a challenge to which every single generationof Christians has had to rise.Austin’s sermon challenge zeroed in on …
Lenten Devotional #5 • Josh Sugg
Read Psalm 130 & Matthew 5:20-26 Anger is a result of judgment. When Jesus’ anger was most on display, it was rooted in His righteous judgment against the sin He was confronting. He made a judgment and was acting out that righteous decree. However, we’re not Jesus. Our anger is typically unrighteous and a result of some self-serving, selfish judgment. …
Lenten Devotional #4 • Terry Gregoire
Read Isaiah 55:6-11 & Matthew 7:7-12 I like the prophet, Isaiah! He is one of the Old Testament characters who God allows to do two things really well; Warn of judgment and proclaim the good news of a future hope! We all like the good news part! Jesus Christ has the best good news of all. The promise that we …
Lenten Devotional #3 • Justin Whitener
Read Luke 11:29-32 Bill Engvall was a hilarious comedian I could relate to growing up in the mid 90’s. Here is one of his jokes: “a trucker gets his truck stuck under an overpass, and the responding policeman asks “Hey, you get your truck stuck?” Without missing a beat, the trucker answers, “No sir, I was delivering that overpass and I …
Lenten Devotional #2 • Ana Schweikert
Read Matthew 6:7-15 and Habakkuk 3 When I first chose to write a devotional about the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:7-15), I didn’t know a revival was about to break out among university students in America. I didn’t know young people who were normally bored with chapel services would suddenly linger at the altar for hours, praying and weeping over their …
Lenten Devotional #1 • Jonathan Pugh
Read Matthew 25:31-46 Jesus begins Matthew 25 with two parables that speak of the reality of divine judgment. In the parable of the ten virgins, he speaks of five who are prepared and waiting for the bridegroom to come. The other five virgins are unprepared and are shut out of the feast that was supposed to be a celebration of …
Galatians 1:1-5 Discussion Guide
Some scholars believe that Galatians is one of the first, if not the first, of the New Testamentbooks to be written. There is zero debate among any Biblical scholars. that it was written by theApostle Paul and that it reflects his concerns for the church in his day. Even some of the mostradically anti-Christian skeptics who study the New Testament …