Because of your faithful giving, we have partnered with Edovo, a learning platform used in prisons, to share the good news of Jesus Christ. Below is a letter from a grateful prisoner whose soul has been set free. Rejoice with us as we hear what God is doing through the body here at Venture Church! To Mr. Austin Rammell and …
Giving Begins with the Self-Sufficiency of God
The question before us is why would God require me to give financially to my local church? First, we must define money and why it is important. Technically speaking, money is debt. Money is a promise that I have given up something of value now for the promise that I can receive something of value later. In that sense money …
New Pastor Voted in at Venture
This past weekend, Venture Partners voted to install Jason Rhodenhizer as our Lincolnton Campus Pastor. We are thrilled that God has led this beautiful family to our church and look forward to laboring with them for the cause of Christ. Jason Rhodenhizer is a native of Northern Virginia, having grown up in Alexandria. He and his wife, Mandie, met at …
I Believe
We are getting ready to share a new song called “I Believe” by Charity Gayle. We have a few other songs in our rotation that she writes and one thing that seems constant with her music is that it always amplifies the gospel.As I’ve been reflecting on this song, the timing of us bringing it in is no coincidence, I …
How do we truly experience joy in a world that can feel defeating?
Joy is something so much deeper and richer than happiness. Happiness is fleeting. Joy is something we can experience, even in the midst of sorrow. So biblically, how do we walk in joy, and where does it come from? “Though you have not seen him, you love him. No you do not now see him, you believe in him and …
Celebrating an Incredible Summer at Venture
What an incredible summer this has been at Venture Church! As we reflect on the past few weeks, it’s impossible not to be in awe of the amazing things the Lord has done in our community. From joyous gatherings to life-changing spiritual moments, we’ve seen God’s hand at work in powerful ways. We kicked off the summer with two Super …
New Song Sunday | Because of Jesus
We are getting ready to bring in the song ‘Because of Jesus’ put out by one of my favorites, Charity Gayle. I love how she brings a gospel music feel to her songs, but more than that, I love the messages in her songs, and this one is no different. Music is such a sweet gift, and watching the Lord …
New Trustees Vote
During all 3 services on June 2, we will be asking Venture Partners to vote on two new trustees. At Venture, a trustee is part of our core leadership team that works with pastors and staff to shepherd and care for the church especially in the area of financial health and accountability. The pastors and trustees have unanimously agreed to …
The Kirks Set Sail to New Adventures in Ministry!
Dear Church Family, Richard and I have some exciting news! As of June 6, 2024, we will be making a huge change in our lives! Richard has taken a job at Christian Recovery Centers, Inc. in Shallotte, NC. It is an adult life dream come true! Richard will be using his time, talents, and gifting with passion to serve the …
Reflecting on God’s Covenant with David
Psalm 89:1-4 1 Your love, O Lord, forever will I sing; from age to age my mouth will proclaim your faithfulness. 2 For I am persuaded that your love is established for ever; you have set your faithfulness firmly in the heavens. 3 “I have made a covenant with my chosen one; I have sworn an oath to David my servant: 4 ‘I will establish …