Covenant & Repentance

Daniel 9 Scripture Link

Austin made the point in his sermon that parts of Daniel 9 are among the most difficult in the entire Old Testament to interpret for a specific prophetic meaning. For Daniel’s understanding, however, the prophecies regarded events that were to come in the life of his people, Israel. Our interpretation of the difficult verses should start with Daniel’s understanding and only after that ask if there is a secondary meaning and interpretation that Daniel may not have been aware of.

There clearest message in Daniel 9 is Daniel’s prayer of repentance and the fact that God responded in love. As Christians, we should never lose the wonder that God would desire to be in relationship to us and respond with love and forgiveness to our brokenness.

Discussion Questions

  • How would you describe Daniel’s relationship to Scriptures?
  • Would Daniel’s experience of hearing from God have been possible were he not voracious about reading and meditating on the words of God?
  • What is significant about the understanding that Daniel has of Israel’s covenant with God?
  • How would you describe Daniel’s view of God?
  • What strikes you as significant about the way that Daniel prays?
  • Why does Daniel carry the weight of the corporate sin of all of his nation?
  • How does God specifically minister to Daniel as he carries the weight of sin?
  • What do you find most confusing about this text?
  • Is there anything that you have gained clarity about in this text?
  • How has God created a spirit within you that is more apt to repentance?
