Without help, law enforcement and military personnel may be struggling in private with post-traumatic stress disorder.
The Dare To Act Scholarship Fund has been established by Venture Church to assist current and former law enforcement, and military members struggling with PTSD. Venture Church has committed to providing financial assistance and a pathway to evidence-based therapies for the purpose of bringing healing to the hearts and minds of our bravest.
Often, PTSD is talked about only in its most extreme forms. However, for those who serve or have served in Law Enforcement; or have been deployed in a combat arena through the military, it is possible that PTSD affects their day-to-day life and relationships.
PTSD’s common side effects include a decreased ability to connect emotionally, increased negativity and skepticism about life and relationships, and feelings of anger and anxiety at times when those emotions would seem unusual. Sadly, these symptoms can degrade a person’s quality of life and noticeably impact their relationships, mostly because these symptoms haven’t been properly linked as associated side effects with this treatable disorder.
This is why Venture started the Dare To Act Scholarship Fund; to remove the stigma, judgements and roadblocks associated with PTSD, and to create a clear path for people who have served this country and our communities, so that they can be restored with the proper help, love and care.
This confidential process includes an assessment of your financial need and a screening from a licensed counselor. To begin the pathway to healing from the effects of PTSD, contact us using the information below.
This highly confidential process will never be shared with anyone, including your employer or chain of command. In fact, the only people who will know are the ones you choose to tell.
Our highest aim is to provide you with the help you deserve, to let you know you are loved and that we understand. You’ve carried this burden on your own long enough.
We’ve got your six.